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Vittoria 29" Terreno XC-R Tan Wall


Regular price $129.00

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Aggressive file tread, or super low-profile knob design? The Terreno bridges the gap between file treads, and traditional all-conditions treads. The key to this is the unique angled “fish scale” design, that allows the center tread to roll extremely fast, yet offer traction when loaded in cornering and braking. Add the transitional height mid and side tread, and the Terreno transitions as smoothly as it rolls. From gravel grinding to medium conditions cross racing, the Terreno offers consistent performance.

  • A capable semi-slick XC-R  tire for the fastest courses.
  • Center scales are ramped, providing a fast rolling leading edge and sharp, responsive braking and cornering edges.
  • Features the 120tpi nylon XC-R  casing: the lightest XC tubeless-ready casing of Vittoria.
  • Functionalized GRAPHENE 2.0 compound delivers ultimate wet grip.
  • 29x2.10. Weight 600g.
  • 29x2.25. Weight 650g.



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