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Maxxis - 29" Rekon Race


Regular price $109.90

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The latest in their long line of World Cup-winning XC tyres is the new Rekon Race! This semi-slick tire borrows its tread design from the trail version of the Rekon, but with smaller and shorter knobs. Use it as a rear tire paired with a more aggressive front tread, or front and rear for short track racing.

Semi-slick XC race tyre

  • Semi-slick XC race tyre
  • EXO Protection available
  • Tubeless Ready (TR)

MaxSpeed - New Tech for 2023:

Developed in cooperation with Nino Schurter (winner of more World Championship and World Cup titles than any rider in XC history), the new MaxxSpeed uses a silica filler to improve both speed and wet traction. Testing shows that MaxxSpeed reduces rolling resistance by more than 25%, providing an edge which can shave as much as a minute off a rider’s time in a 90-minute race.

This dramatic improvement in performance hasn’t been confined to the lab. MaxxSpeed has delivered real-world results for Schurter and other SCOTT-SRAM riders for the past several seasons, aiding multiple World Cup and World Championship wins. Schurter appreciates the advantage MaxxSpeed provides: “XCO racing is more competitive than ever. The new MaxxSpeed compound rolls faster and grips better than before, giving me an edge over my rivals.”

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